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Friday, September 4, 2020

Learning history for the first time and the art gallery room

One thing my early 1960s education didn't give me was a full grasp of history. I remember a dabble of American history in my earlier grades. When I returned to college in the 2000s, I took a history class that covered early American history. Studying art history, I find it is intertwined with ancient to modern time periods. 

Returning to school really has been one of the best things to happen recently. Scheduled studying leaves less time for worrying about current events. It keeps me from boredom. It is a return to reading, and what am I reading? The Painter of Modern Life by Baudelaire (1863) Baudelaire.pdf 

His take on women, he is particularly in favor of makeup:

"Woman is quite within her rights, indeed she is even accomplishing a kind of duty when, she devotes herself to appearing magical and supernatural; she has to astonish and charm us; as an idol, she is obliged to adorn herself in order to be adored." (p. 33)

Segueing to work life. They have further damaged my beloved city of Sacramento. I mourn the loss of my former work life and the vibrancy of the city. 

Let's talk meetings over the web. How odd are they? I have learned to limit my movements otherwise it attracts attention to yourself. I am learning to stock still and not to make any type of expression. 

So far I have seen in online meetings, persons who appear to be in total disarray, live video from their bathroom, messy rooms/kitchens, random children appearing, and of course, an occasional pet. 

Working from home, I have finally configured my "art gallery room" as a comfortable place to be. Three oil paintings, two paint by numbers, three cross-stitch pieces, one Turner print and one Home Goods Buddha. I added to my collection this painted wood disc found thrifting. Love it!

We are in for another heat wave with summer heat hibernation heading our way this weekend. 

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