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Friday, September 25, 2020

25th Anniversary Sellerbration on ebay and a Belated Blogiversary

Exciting things happened in internet land. ebay celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a Sellerbration. I received my ebay 25 t-shirt (love it!) and some random stickers. I sell on the site as tam_gonza and my store is grammasonacid

The best part was the DJ, she was the absolute best, loved her music choices. Once the live stream started running, it was well done. I would link to the YouTube video, but I can't find it. I REALLY want to go to a live ebay event now. 

My blogiversary came and went without fanfare this year. That milestone falls in August from 2011. Nine years, actually 11 years if you count my two-year starter blog. I have seen many wonderful blogs come and go during that time, some very successful but decided to pack it in. I can see how life could overwhelm this style of communication. 

Thrifting update: It is amazing I ever had any thrifted finds from just weekend shopping. Now that I visit the second hand shops more than twice a week, I am finding more than ever. Recent finds included 20 sewing patterns and this Santa cross-stitch stocking kit (both priced at $2). He was hidden behind something else but he came home with me! He is partially created - just waiting to be completed. 

Sewing patterns have taken over in popularity. I haven't listed the way cool CDs I have found. I've used up my fixed price free listings. I am going to have to deal with some auction style listings until I can convert them to fixed price. Here is the listing for Santa Collage stocking

Let's end with a Pattern of the Day from 1968.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Blogiversary Tami. I enjoy your blog and hope to see you around for many more years.


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