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Sunday, August 25, 2019

I Accept the Title as Ultimate Lazy Quilter

More about the pins at the end of the post and before we get to my post title, it is my Blogiversary this week! Eight years with this blog, two years with a starter blog, ten years blogging. As technology progresses I am sure new platforms will emerge and become popular, even so I still love blogging and reading blogs. 

For a quilter who doesn't really like piecing or quilting, I received a gift from the Thrift Gods. On my 4th and last stop of my thrift shop junket into Placerville, Goodwill came through with this zippered bag from mystery quilter priced at $7.49. I could see some stitchwork, fabric and quilt blocks peeking through so I knew I couldn't go wrong. 

It was a treasure trove because hidden in all those textiles was this vintage girl's full slip. I remember wearing something similar to that when I was a child. Made me gasp when I saw it.

The reason for my post title is I take great delight in putting together quilts from orphan blocks. This mystery lot means I have enough for two projects, there are 9 feedsack blocks, and 8 red blocks, 3 red/white&black blocks, and three other random ones. Score!

Oh, but we are not done yet! There was also 10 of these completed bear cross-stitch blocks and a nearly complete cross-stitch bear pillowcase (I will finish that as a keeper). 

Finally, a pink sampler. 

Earlier in the month, there was another Goodwill find of this needlepoint kit, a mere 49 cents. My interest has been renewed in this craft. I completed a few kits some *coughs* 20 years ago. I have been working away on a magnolia needlepoint I started in February of this year. I was hoping for completion in December, but I may have to push that completion date to February 2020. 

I made progress on composition quilt I began last year. Thought it was near binding stage, but NO. More quilting required. It was intended as a California State Fair entry, I may enter it in 2020.
Cotton candy colored
Those pins pictured above, I thought I would take a chance on resell, one being a tie bar from an Apollo launch in 1969. After this round of resell listings expire, I am planning a brand new batch to list perhaps the beginning of October. 

Linking up with for Moving It Forward and Cynthia at for Oh Scrap!


  1. Happy Blogiversary Tami. I hope to see you around many more years to come.
    Your thrift store finds are incredible! It would make my day to find such treasures. I live out in the country and we just don't have any shops like that. I sure wish we did.

  2. Incredible find! I would have grabbed it too!

    Those images on that captcha are too hard to see!

  3. Whta fun thrift store finds! and I love blogs too - I just think you can share and read so much more than the quick click on the other social medias-( which I like too - but blogs are my favorite!)


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