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Monday, February 24, 2014

And then she said, "I'll take everything you've got."

Day 24 prompt for the 30 Minus 2 Days of Writing challenge is "And then she said."  Romp on over to weworkforcheese to enjoy the other's writings.

And then she said, "I'll take everything you've got."  I recently started consigning my clothes at Heaven & Earth Consignment (her Facebook page link heavenandearth.)

My first two pieces were a short black curly lamb coat and a 1970s leather and mink fur trimmed Frederick & Nelson's jacket with my mom's name embroidered on the inside lining.  I could fit into neither coat, no amount of wishing and hoping would make it happen.

My mom's coat sold a couple of months ago so I went to pick up my money on the consignment.  I toted down two jackets and three skirts to see if they were appropriate for her shop.  My next trip up to her shop will be with an armload of spring dresses.  Adorable, feminine and all too small for me to wear anymore.

She also said she has some accounts that bring in armloads of clothing.  They buy it by the bagful.  I am going to snap up the cute clothing that might be on trend now when I see those pieces.  I reject so many items of clothing because they don't fit ME.  Heck, I'm done with that.  If I can make some extra cash, then woot woot!

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