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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dampfnudel and French-fried deviled eggs

I have located the official dessert of the weworkforcheese Minus 2 Days Writing Challenge. Technically, the day's prompt is "damn," I couldn't resist posting this recipe tidbit.

My mother's house is a treasure trove of publications dating from the 1950s through the 1980s.  Dampfnudel was one of those gems.

As long as we are visiting this retro recipe book, I have one more to share.  

You read it right!  French-fried deviled eggs.  I just may have to try this one.  

For those who watch the TV show Taste with the host Anthony Bourdain, the eggs would have been a perfect contender for the prompt "Guilty Pleasures."  

Saunter on by to visit the other participants' take on the day's prompt.  

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