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Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 8 - Interlink your old blog posts

Ah, lucky number Day 8, marching along on my 31dbbbs.  I have written a link post before, but haven't done one in quite awhile.  My preferred interlink is to the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle World's Fair in 1962.  My first retrospective post is here and the second is here.  These are images from our family photo archive. 

On a separate topic, I thought I would have to remove "art" from my featuring so much more tagline.  I did manage to pop in to Interfaith's Great Finds in Sutter Creek over the weekend for their 50% everything sale.  This framed fashion image watercolor was well worth the $15 marked-down price.  There was an original price tag on the back of $95 and labeled San Francisco Artwork by Susan Miller. 

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