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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 17 - Watch a first-time reader use your blog and a baby doll mugshot

Day 17 - seems today's task is to bribe one's friend or family to read your blog and then OBSERVE.  Poor things, if I have to bribe them, it hardly seems worth the effort.  I know I am apt to make snap decisions when I land on a blog I haven't visited before.  I'll scroll down a few posts and if I am not impressed, I move on.  The two top things I look for in a blog that will keep me engaged - enthusiasm (for whatever the topic) and an element of humor.

I haven't showcased a inmate for awhile - always keeping an eye out for those that qualify for baby doll mugshots.  Finally, this kiddo showed up on the site.  She has all of the qualifications for a mugshot - messed-up hair and an image that makes me laugh right out of the starting gate!

It is no secret that I have a passion for fashion.  I was the winner, winner, chicken dinner of Anne Bray aka Spy Girl's weekly 52 pick-me-up artist's rendering.

My original image:

Pretty neat!

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