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Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 27 - Delete dead links or my thought, "leave those dust bunnies alone."

Day 27 of the challenge pushes to go on the dead link hunt.  I think I may have done that once.  It seemed tedious, like cleaning out your spam folder, or deleting old emails.  I know, supposed to improve SEO optimization blah blah blah.  I'll leave those dust bunnies under my refrigerator, thank you very much.

Back to the business of thrifting!  Sometimes I just buy props for my specialized posts.  I had in hand my filled-out Thrift Town frequent buyer card so that entitled me to $10 off $20 worth of merchandise.  The three mythical stuffed creatures of the dragon, unicorn and flying horse had to be rescued together!  The Talbots flower print dress is off to the cleaners to be cleaned and pressed.  Now THIS looks like the type of dress you can really have fun with accessorizing.  I have fashion visions dancing in my head ~

Not pictured are the Barbie doll that joined the family and a bath and body wash gift set.

I know I've posted more words than pictures lately.  I will soon be back to my old self.  I broke my camera when it fell off a ledge where I had propped it.  A new one is ordered and is on its way.

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