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Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 16 Photography challenge (Color)

I've gone and done it again, the topic on the photography challenge for today was "long exposure" and rather than monkey with the settings on my camera, I photographed my zinnias and red flower pot.

AND since I, Queen Poo Pah of the July 2012 Photograph Challenge, have deemed today COLOR, it was time for an appearance of the Magical Muffy Vanderbears ...

Modess 1957


  1. Thanks for stopping by! I absolutely love your photos, so I have nominated you for the Sunshine Bloggers Award. Check out the details here:

  2. Cool blog! Consider me your latest follower - I studied photography and this is right up my alley!

  3. Hi Tami! Cool idea to do a photo a day. Maybe I'll try it for August! Visiting from the blog hop! :)


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