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Thursday, May 17, 2012

In Praise of Books

I so love hardcover books.  This past weekend I was able to read a novel, Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman by Elizabeth Buchan.  What a treat!  I am usually studying college textbooks.

When I commando thrift shop, hardcover books are on the list of things to find.  The novel next up is John Irving's The Fourth Hand.  This author intrigues me and I've read nearly all of his books.

There is something about reading a book.  It is a meeting of minds with the author.  It allows you to ponder the characters and the story stays with you long after the tale is complete.

I read numerous blogs and articles online.  It is like fast food.  Snippets of information not totally fulfilling.  It is (dare I say it?) attention deficit reading.

This picture also gave me the chance to showcase the latest flower in bloom, a yellow lily.  

I was traveling through Amador County today and wanted to share these images.

The cows ~

The sheep ~

And the fox.

A Rural Journal - Rural Thursday Blog Hop

When is the last time you read a novel?


  1. I adore John Irving. The Fourth Hand wasn't my favorite of his, but I did really enjoy it!

  2. awww, i've never seen a fox in person.

    thanks for this interesting post. i just love john irvin.

  3. oh i too love hardcover books but find paperbacks so much easier to hold onto and read, especially while in bed. when i'm antiquing though i LOVE to find old hardcover schoolbooks, primers. my husband got me a nook tablet for christmas and i do love it but must confess that i mostly use it to be online or play games, i'm not much into reading books on it...still prefer holding a book in my hand!

  4. Lovely rural scenes.

  5. Books are always on my list too. Love the pictures you shared. Sure does look familiar, you're not too far from me. Thanks so much for visiting.

  6. I have no time to read current books, but I'm always on the look out for vintage ones.

    Love your photos! Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays!

  7. i never read book but my friends are

  8. Well now I've got another book to add to my reading list. Lovely shot of the fox by the way.

  9. I love to give hardcover books for gifts. :)

    Those pics are cool!

  10. Actually my favoritest part of this re--post is Betty's comment "I've never seen a fox in person"!
    I love old hardcover novels. The stories in them lack the crude language and images, the blood and guts, etc. of the new. I love that there are no unwanted surprises. I just wish they smelled new!

  11. I'm like Jennifer....LOVE me some hard back books for Xmas presents!

    Thank you for re-sharing with us today! :)

  12. I love books and will always love books! I read every night before bed or I can't sleep.

    Late finishing the Deja Vu visiting, as the power went out the other night when I was in the middle of it!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse


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