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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The fox - revisited

The fox made an appearance at the house on Sunday around two in the afternoon, just walked the perimeter then up the back steps.  I snapped the pictures from my cell phone.  

This critter doesn't seem fearful of being around people, which seems odd.  Is there such a thing as a domesticated fox?  

Barn just off of Highway 16 outside of Plymouth, California.

A view from up country ~

And the neighbor's friendly mini-burro.


  1. Is the fox after something at your place?
    The little burro is so cute.

  2. I hope the fox is not sick -- sometimes they act in an unnatural way if they have mange or rabies. Just a thought.

    Great photos! Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week!

    1. That was our fear too but it turns out the neighbor is feeding the pair cat food. We also discovered there is a female nursing pups.


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