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Saturday, September 21, 2019

More blocks and precuts

I went to my usual go-to places for weekend thrifting to 1) hopefully replenish resell stock and 2) buy thrift things from my bucket list. 

One of the things on my list was a wardrobe organizer, scored (new in box) for $5 at a half off shop. Surprisingly, I have more clothes than fit in my closet at home. Shocking, I know. This organizer will house all of my summer shifts. 

Best find of the weekend, this donut print shirt and black and white blocks ($2 for 12). I also found another bag of precuts. If I could git to gitting on sewing time, I could chain piece a bunch together. The problem is I have been cutting into my sewing time by sleeping! 

I continue to post on Instagram as tamaschen for #secondhandseptember and in October there will be the prompts from #mrsbrimblesboodaily. 

I know I am supposed to working on my daughter's quilt, but I am chomping at the bit to put together a quilt top from these premade blocks. It is interesting how projects beckon you, like you are at their command. 

Promising myself to study that Atomic Starbust pattern. I also picked up a book at Goodwill, Contemporary Quilting, Exciting Techniques and Quilts from Award-Winning Quilters by Cindy Walter & Stevii Graves, pub. 2005.

Lots of fun events coming up in October, my fav month of the year. A quilt show combined with a wine tasting walking tour at the first of the month. The last of the month will find me up in the Pacific Northwest. I can hardy wait!

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