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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Visible in a jean dress

Being visible with Patti, et al. at Notdeadyetstyle.  This Attention thrifted jean dress was a good purchase for Casual Friday.  I call my hairstyle Updo with Mullet (yes, it is the lastest trend).  The lanyard was also thrifted, the multi-colored beads stood out against the dark blue material.  

I am right on target with my quilting projects, having finished this Christmas lap quilt with angel tie for our work group's gift basket that will be raffled off next month. 

Believe it or not, this 4'x4' simple quilt took me at least 10 hours to complete.  

Thrifting produced a bag of thread for $4 and some Christmas fabric remnants (one being the newly created angel tie).  

Pattern of the Day from 1968 features a version of the coat dress.  

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