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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Visible Monday - The Pants Edition

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Linking up with Patti at notdeadyetstyle for Visible Monday and for me it is The Pants Edition.  While I am not a huge fan of pants, I have been buying more of them.  Personal heaters are not allowed at work (unless you have a doctor's note), so I opt for pants.  

Kenneth Cole Reaction sunglasses
Italian scarf
Ally B knit top
Ivy stretch pants
Noat oxfords
(all thrifted with the exception of the shoes) 

Pattern of the Day from 1969 - also The Pants Edition.

Body positive thought for the day - Don't be afraid to wear floral prints.  They are happy prints that deserve to be seen!

I ran across this article on on how to use a minimalist wardrobe to simplify your life.  The author claims choosing a daily wardrobe is stressful and that some successful people wear the same thing every day. 

“This is a real psychological condition in which a person’s productivity suffers as a result of becoming mentally exhausted from making so many irrelevant decisions. Simply put, by stressing over things like what to eat or wear every day, people become less efficient at work.”

I can't image wearing the same outfit every day.  I think my brain would explode.  I look forward to putting together an ensemble. Some days are better than others.  There are days when I get to work, look at myself under the fluorescent lighting and wonder what was I thinking?  But when the planets align and I am wearing a cute outfit, I am unstoppable!

Do you find dressing up to be stressful?  Do you believe it makes you less efficient?  Biggest sacrilege of them all - are fashion choices irrelevant decisions?    

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