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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hipster Hat Attack and Top 5 posts for 2014

Starting off the New Year with Judith at The Style Crone for her monthly Hat Attack.  This gem of a man's Goorin hipster hat was a recent thrift shop find ($1.50).  Updated to link with Ms. Papelicos Share-in-Style masculine look. 

I also utilized it as my coat tree Christmas tree at work by adding some lights, garland and a glitter flower to the hat "tree top."

It is that time of year to look back at the posts that generated the most page views.  

The most unlikely post of the past year is Visible-monday-pants-edition, I was surprised by this one, it went not-quite-viral.  

Coming in at popular post no. 2 was A-few-of-my-favorite-things a prompt gleaned from Share In Style and includes a fav selfie.

Post 3 was my initial post for the April AtoZ Challenge Helloo-all-to-day-and-hat-attack.  I made the mistake of identifying myself as a fashion blogger, I won't do that again. I'm not sure if my fashion label hurt my page views or if it was just the sheer number of participants.   The key to that challenge is signing up early so your blog appears in the first 100 or so.  Over 2,000 bloggers participated in the 2014 event.  

Rolling in at popular post number 4 was Roses-are-sometimes-red. I had a heck of a time figuring out how to pose with roses.  The concept was to have roses and rose petals strewn about but in most of the images it looked like I had passed into the after life.  

Rounding out the Top 5 is a personal favorite 5-things-only-thrift-shoppers-understand.

And on to upcoming events ~ I am hoping you will join me for one or all of the linkups.  

Finally, thank you to those readers that have followed me all of these years and thanks to those who have recently joined me in my lark through life.  Good things are in store for 2015!

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