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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Theme Reveal for 2025 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

It is my belief that a theme reveal requires a theme reveal image. This year I present Simply Delightful Thrifted Ball Gown for 2025. Celebrating the upcoming April Blogging from A to Z Challenge. 

More of the gown will be modeled on the S letter day. The blue wig was also a thrift shop find. Pristine find still in its hair net, I knew it would come in handy one day. 

As my blog title suggests, I like to thrift A LOT. I thrift for myself. I buy gowns and wigs and then model the thrifted outfits. I thrift to sell items on eBay. I thrift for friends and family. Let's face it, I don't need an excuse to thrift. It is my happiest place on earth.🌎

It has been a few *cough cough* years since I joined the A to Z Challenge. The theme reveal posts have actually been my favorites of the event. Below are links to my previous theme reveals. There are a couple of thrifted gowns in the links.  

theme-reveal for 2018
theme-reveal for 2016
theme-reveal for 2015
theme-reveal for 2014

The blog hosts have encouraged us to write about the blogging community, gratitude, or being grateful for our blogging community. I do appreciate my fellow A to Z bloggers. 

I will be revisiting recurring themes that I have posted in years past. These posts include:

Greenhouse gardening
Sewing patterns
Weird and wacky items found at thrift
Yarnbombing or You Get One Free Pass

I am going to have a struggle with the X and Z letter days. Both pets, Xena my cat, and Zipper my dog, crossed the rainbow bridge this past year.  

I pretty much wing it through. Sometimes I totally re-write posts before their scheduled date. The key is to queue them up at least a month before. I hope you will join me and the other participants for the event throughout April.  

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