March’s theme will be simple and pretty easy for you to interpret — “My World.”
Take us through your world, in five shots. Maybe it’s the area in which you live. Maybe it’s you. A hobby. Family. Friends. Other things. Whatever. But as we get this challenge going — and hopefully keep it going for many months — let’s learn about the people who might take part!
Here’s how it will work.
- On the first of each month, I’ll have a blog post here with the theme for the month.
- Over the course of the month, participants will take photos with their interpretation of the theme. On the last day of the month, participants should publish their blog post, which will include five photos from the month. (please don’t recycle photos from the past … the idea is to hopefully challenge you to go out and take new photos to interpret the theme).
- I’ll have a link-up thing at the end of my post so people can come and post the links to their posts so, hopefully, everybody can go go check out and comment on other posts.
- I’m also working to set up a “newsletter” sort of thing so participants can subscribe and get a notification whenever something in regard to the challenge is posted here.
There is no rule on equipment or anything. Use a cell phone. Use film. Use a point-and-shoot. Use a DSLR. It doesn’t matter. Just make sure you publish your blog post on the last day of each month and link up.
Back to the city, my office where $4 Thrift Town brunette Barbie poses with my blooming orchid and springtime teacup. She is now my Easter Barbie, you know, wearing white and all ~ Yes, she is shoeless, I am sure there is a Payless for Barbies that carries micro-sized shoes.
Back to Sacramento for a group of Prop 8 demonstrators in front of the Federal Courthouse. (Yes, it was taken from my car window, snicker if you must). The size of the group has varied from day to day with the pros and cons on opposite sides of the street. Not a political statement here - just an image from My World.
This post is a perfect link in to Claudya at Unknownmami.

Not part of the My World Photo Blogging Challenge but ending with some (kind of) Easter-themed images.
Heading into the country for a series of rusted farm implements
Back to the city, my office where $4 Thrift Town brunette Barbie poses with my blooming orchid and springtime teacup. She is now my Easter Barbie, you know, wearing white and all ~ Yes, she is shoeless, I am sure there is a Payless for Barbies that carries micro-sized shoes.
This post is a perfect link in to Claudya at Unknownmami.
Not part of the My World Photo Blogging Challenge but ending with some (kind of) Easter-themed images.