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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sundays in my City and 30M2D Writing Challenge Rules and Topics

I have been in a clothes-buying mood.  After I went through my wardrobe and ruthlessly culled all of the marginal pieces - those I hadn't worn in the past year - I just HAD to replenish.

Last day of the work week, I went to the Sacramento Goodwill on 16th Street.  There were racks and racks of the 99 cent clothes.  Every once in awhile, a quality piece will surface.  I purchased the Briggs slacks and a full-length Allison Taylor silk skirt.

The best spot for clothes of the Amador County thrift shops is Amador Hospice, not only are they open on Sunday, the clothes are priced at thrift shop levels.  This J.R. Roppers camel-colored dress length sweater was $5.50.  A good sign that it had never been worn, the extra button was still attached to the tag.  The mustard colored long sleeved collared Worthington shirt was $2.50.

I literally gasp when I find high-end labels at the thrift shops.  I could not ask for a better fit in this True Religion brand jeans ($5.50), I know those go for around $100 retail.  The red Tweeds 100% cashmere sweater is in perfect condition ($5.50).  I had just been complaining to Mr. VZ that all of the cashmere sweaters sold out before Christmas so I wasn't able to do my 1/2 off retail cashmeres - now I have found two this month at the thrift shops.

Weekend sunset through the tangle of oak tree branches.

Linking up with unknownmami for ~

Unknown Mami

As an aside, the We Work for Cheese 30-minus-2-days-of-writing challenge topics and rules have been posted - a must read!  

30 Minus 2 Days of Writing

On February 1st, the challenge will begin. On February 28th, the challenge will end.
Because I would be the first one to break them, there are  NO RULES. What does that mean? Well it means:
  • There’s no minimum or maximum word limit. You can write five, 500 or 5,000 words. But please don’t write 5,000 words.
  • You determine the writing style of each post. Poems, essays, anecdotes, articles, fact, fiction, knock-knock jokes, drunken ramblings, porn… all of these are acceptable.
  • While this is a writing challenge, re-posting an older post on occasion is permitted – providing it’s in keeping with the prompt.
  • There is no specific time to post. I’ll be scheduling my posts for 8 o’clock in the morning, Montreal time, and you will find a linky-thing at the end of my post where you can link up.
  • You do NOT have to post every single day. Life happens and sometimes it takes a couple of days until you sober up. Trust me, we understand. Hell, CheesyMike only managed a piddly 15 posts last time around. The wuss.
  • Again, this is a creative writing challenge. The prompts are guidelines and do not have to be strictly adhered to. If the prompt is “Nicky is to be revered” and you use “Nicky should be worshiped as the Supreme Goddess of everything, everywhere.”, that is perfectly acceptable.
Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, here are the themes:
  1. Cheesy
  2. Hold on
  3. And the next thing I knew
  4. Friendship
  5. You better put out
  6. Haven
  7. Texting
  8. French
  9. 15 minutes
  10. The mayor
  11. Road trip
  12. The day I met Abraham Lincoln
  13. Unintended
  14. Where can I get a good blintz?
  15. Or else
  16. Music
  17. Whatever, dude
  18. Home at last
  19. Little things
  20. The other shoe
  21. Last train
  22. Compulsively
  23. Absurd
  24. Confucius
  25. Fact or Fiction
  26. Deal with it
  27. And that’s why I got drunk
  28. Is that all


  1. WOW! True religion jeans for 5 bucks! Crazy. I need to do more thrifting.

    1. Yeah, you would never find a bargain like that down in Sacramento - the pricers are savvy to a label like that.

  2. Hi neighbor - Looks like the Amador/Calaveras hospice folks opened a thrift store in Angels Camp as well. I'm needing to weed things out - I'll have to check them out.

  3. I learned the fine art of thrift store shopping in New Orleans a few years before Hurricane Katrina took 1/2 of the city away. The best Goodwill store was in Lakeview, which turned into a 10 foot lake after the storm. Now, I live in a land where everyone wears used clothes that are shipped from the US. We all look for bargains in the countless re-sale shops in and about town but none can compare to the wealth of goodies I used to find in Lakeview New Orleans.

    1. And it really is dependent on the area and who is donating, who is pricing the goods. Hopefully, you will find a new thrift shop nirvana ~

  4. Wow, you came home with some great finds. I love seeing what I can find at thrift stores. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.

  5. My favorite was the jeans with the red cashmere sweater.

  6. Those are the kind of prices I like. I never find those prices in SF anymore.

    1. Prices have been rising here in Sac also. I'll gather together my potentials and then look them over again before I get to the register. I end up putting back about a quarter of what I had picked up.

  7. Fantastic finds! All the best with the writing challenge as well.

  8. I'm not sure what came first-being an artist or loving thrift shop finds! Either way, I was part of the Grow Your Blog too and would love to thank you for following me. I'm going to follow your blog too. Your sense of humor is awesome!

  9. Hmmm, I may have to look into the writing challenge. I love words and used to write a lot - had a couple short stories published - then I just sort of lost the urge a few years ago. The goofy prompts look like fun! I'm here from the Grow Your Blog Party!


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