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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blogging from A to Z Challenge signups - April 2013

Signups have started for the A to Z Writing Challenge!

The brainchild of Arlee Bird, at Tossing it Out, the A to Z Challenges to post the letter of the alphabet every day during the month of April, with Sundays off for good behavior. We will start with A on Monday April 1st. Whether you go with a theme or freestyle, your post must match the letter of the alphabet for that day.

Here is the link for signups and more information:  A to Z


  1. I've linked over to you before from Sandy's blog. Just stopping by to say hi and now a new follower in anticipation of the A-Z Challenge! I've done it the last 2 years, it's lots of fun :)

  2. Thanks for joining the Challenge! We're hoping to make it the best one ever.

  3. Good to have you with us in the A to Z. I'm linking to your announcement in my Monday post at the A to Z Blog.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog


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