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Thursday, August 25, 2022

I've Got the Blues

I know exactly why I have the blues - I am grieving. I lost my best friend, my mother, last month. I cannot allow myself to fall into the abyss. I have decided to resume my Art History classes at Sacramento City College in the spring. 

My quilting activity is on hold. It is such a physical craft. You have to be 100% to engage in the sewing, ironing, organizing layouts, etc. in quilting. That is just the piecework aspect of it, the actual quilting is a whole nuther story.  

The Mr. has put the kibosh on me adding more shelving to contain my eBay listed product. I will continue culling those items that have not sold. I just launched a 60% sale on Creative Circle needle kits. They seemed a good idea at the time, but have not been moving like they should.  

Even with taking a month off during the summer as time away from selling, my sales reflect as up 70%! Go figure. I did allow offers and acceptances during that time though. 

Another category I am beginning to think may be slowing are cookbooks. I have a little collection of 1980s red plaid ones. I may have to stop buying them and let this round sell through. 

My best selling patterns are from Vogue. I can see myself segueing to carrying only that line of vintage pattern. There are other specialty patterns that are best sellers such as Folkwear and the historical costumes. Costume patterns in general do no sell as well as I anticipated. 

Ending the post with a pattern I have kept in my collection, a 1972 McCall's 3397 Betsy McCall rag doll.

I keep the cutest and oldest sewing patterns that I find. Probably about 1% of what I actually list. 

My next rounds of eBay listings will be books, NIP CDs, Vogue sewing patterns, crocheted blankets, then quilt blocks and tops. Let's see how well I keep to my schedule. 

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