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Sunday, August 21, 2022

August is Crocheted Blanket Month

It has started out that way finding a crocheted blanket per week in August. One year, it was the summer of the hinged blue Ball jar where I found 5 of them.

I am not sure what my fascination is with these crocheted items. Maybe because I never mastered the crafts of knitting and crocheting. 

Here was my first find of the month. I think each one is a work of art. 

I will have to put some or all of them up for sale. I get to collecting in cycles. It is odd some things show up at thrift regularly, other things show up occasionally, and other finds are rare. Items I collect in the rare category are crystal Princess House lamps, wooden duck decoys, and of late, ceramic tiki mugs. 

My summer days of leisure are nearly over. We kept our camper was in fish camp alongside the ocean for three months. We now have a supply of cod and salmon. 

Time to ramp up the eBay listings. I have product to list in all of my specialty categories. I will highlight the unique ones in the upcoming posts. 

Ending the post with graphics from a 1960s publication - Let's Crochet.

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