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Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day

Moving into May means Gardening, Flowers, and a Reseller Update.

A quick mention on my State Fair Quilt - 3/4s done for the top and shooting for the May 19 deadline for image submission. 

Reseller update: A batch of books just went on the eBay listing board. My focus on books have been How-To. Whether it is cooking, sewing, crafting, or hunting/fishing, they are all in that genre. Interestingly enough, one upscale thrift would not take donations of cookbooks. I suspect that interest in cooking at home is going to wane. 

Sales have been sluggish also. I also attribute that to the outward looking, rather than inward, with people being out and about more. Everything I resell is focused on indoor activities. One reason my business boomed during lockdown was because of that fact. 

Sometimes I buy mystery bags at thrift. It isn't so much the surprise value of some of the items, it is the delight in discovering tchotchkes that are one of a kind or remembrances of times past. Those pipe-cleaner bees are def 1960s-era. 

The best of three bags was filled with many of my favorite things: fabric, patterns, kits, and books.

Greenhouse update: I am finally getting the hang of greenhouse gardening. This is my best group so far.

A trip to Placerville thrift shops didn't produce a huge score, but a surprise one of two well-constructed doll clothes on doll hangers for $1.49 at Goodwill. Going into my keeper category.
I even sell a book on making doll clothes, even though I wouldn't attempt it myself.

Wishing you a Happy May Day and that you share flowers with friends. 

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