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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Entered and Awaiting Word

My lead-off image is a basket quilt top purchased at the Cameron Park hospice thrift for $2.99. This one is such a spring/summer delight, bordered and ready to be quilted, thank you Mystery Quilter. It is joining my quilt collection. 

After two years of waiting, and two frantic months of preparing, my entry into the California State Fair is in! I changed categories from Other Fiber Art to Art Quilt. I finished the flimsy on Mother's Day. The Knitting Woman measures 75" x 100". I didn't have batting large enough for the quilt so I had to do the Frankenbatting. That is when you have to whip stitch sections of batting together to have enough to cover the flimsy+. 

Now that I am more comfortable with curved piecing, I may tackle that Storm at Sea in plaids. I have the templates, picked up for a song, from thrift. 

Reseller update: After all is said and done, I am clearing $500 a month on my eBay sales. I love this business! As a child, I would pack AVON orders for my mom. I loved doing that too. 

I have reached my goal of 1,800 listings. I have enough unlisted inventory to keep me busy for three months, working four hours a day, five days a week. The reason I can gauge that activity is I was not working full time for three months and I devoted my "work" day to listing on eBay. 

I am seriously considering retiring this year. Sacramento is just not the same since the lockdown. Nearly all of my favorite restaurants have gone out of business. Some days when I am in office I am the ONLY person working on the entire floor. I just cannot adjust to co-workers choosing to remain remote, never having met or even seen them online. It is just too weird. I am even managed remotely which in itself is not a problem since I remain a professional in managing my time and workload. But it is odd, not being able to head down to your supervisor's office, just to say "Hi," or ask a simple question. So I am in the process of completing the paperwork. 

Ending a post with a cutie patootie Pattern of the Day.

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