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Friday, February 17, 2017

The April Alternative Challenge

I am going to do this!  Host an April challenge at

SIGNUPS WILL BEGIN IN MARCH 2017.  Date to be announced.

Join me in this weekly challenge - suggestions for posts, choose a letter to highlight during that week.
WEEK 1:  April 2-8 - any topic, any letter beginning with A through G
WEEK 2:  April 9-15 - any topic, any letter beginning with H through N
WEEK 3:  April 16-22 - any topic, any letter beginning with O through U
WEEK 4:  April 23-28 - any topic, any letter beginning with V through Free Pass. 

Link up, just once, but there are rules, (sheesh) here comes the legalese part. I, as the one and only moderator, reserve the right to remove any and all links that include the following:
Adult Content
Advertising of any kind
More than one link to the participant's account(s)
Other random and arbitrary rules I decide at the last minute.

Pretty please keep it Family Friendly and post the 4 times during AAC.

The main point of this challenge is to be able to meet new bloggers by visiting the linkup page.  It is not so much what you write but that you participate.  We want to find you - and you want to be found!

Come on, join the Alternative!

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