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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blogspat and Mighty Minion ready to spring into action

Now is the calm before the storm when the A to Z Challenge participants are scheduling their blog posts.  A to Z is the mutha of all blog challenges.  There are over 1,000 bloggers participating this year.  Some bloggers revealed their topic, and a couple of those caught my eye - a foul-mouthed Scottish gal A Daft Scots Lass who will post on All Things Scots and a Hungarian blogger The Multi Colored Diary who is focusing on weird princesses.  My focus will be All Things Thrifting.

As a Madlab Mighty Minion for the challenge, I will be visiting chosen participants to ensure they are following the rules.

On the subject of rules, I must admit I was involved in a blogspat last month.  I have a habit of combining blog challenges and hops and this one hop host (who shall remain unnamed) took issue with my technique.  Granted it was with a group of romance writers, of which I am not, but thinking they might want to expand their audience beyond that realm - how could it hurt?  Well, did I get the b***h slap down and sent to blog purgatory.  After I read the lengthy rule set in its entirety, it was apparent I had violated more than one rule to the hop.  I did a quick retreat and removed all reference to the writer's hop.  Do tell, have any of you been involved in a blogspat?

So, off I go, hopping once again ... with a newly discovered blog Rolled Up Pretty

This past weekend's thrift shop finds were a Caslon black print skirt ($1.50), Patti Page, The Mercury Years ($2) and some gel ink black ruled paper (50 cents).  

Please vote for me as Best Local Sacramento Blogger.  Vote button is at the top of this post.  What fun!


  1. Thank you for the mention! :) I am very excited about this year's A to Z. Thrifting is a new thing to me, so I will definitely be checking back! :)

  2. I am not sure if I posted my comment properly. Looking forward to A2Z and have all my blogs written. First week is posted and will appear on the appropriate day.

    Never thrift shopped, too late to start now unfortunately.


    1. You are good to go - Jo! I almost have all of the posts written.

      My mom hates thrift shops and avoids them like the plague. I think the treasure hunting aspect is what attracts me ...

  3. Fun finds and it's always a brighter day when minions are involved. Have fun with the challenge.

  4. A blogspat? No, but there's always a first time for everything. Looking forward to A to Z!

    Jenny at Choice City Native

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Blogspat??? I loved that term...I need to get out more because I did not know there was such a thing. Back when I began blogging we called the b****h that smacked you down a "troll". But in those days such a person was not only nasty but also a little dangerous. I sure more than one computer was crashed because someone broke the invisible rules. Nasty little creatures they are.

    But I would like to meet the person that owns and writes the rules for anything on the web. We are free to call ourselves Elvis and pretend we are what ever we want to be. Blog Hopping....really? The idea the we can include anyone and support each other is what this blogging world is all about. Keep up the good work.

    Oh, by the way I loved the black skirt and I was a teen when Patty Paige was a vocal star. Wow, time does fly!



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