We are moving into the still life category in the drawing and composition class. The focus is on the contour and gesture lines. Using only pencil on paper, we are building the foundation for successful drawings. This Donald Pliner couture pump is an example of my sketchbook exercise.
These shoes are a remnant from my corporate career in law. I kept quite a few of my high heels - now in boxes with nowhere to go.😢
Back to the still life, we were to choose 5 items. Items with angles, heights, and structure. The items I chose were a skein of yarn, an orchid plant in bloom, crystal lamp, white China teapot, and a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume. I will reveal the sketch at a later date, the assignment is being graded.
Summer college classes posted and ancient art is offered online in the 8 week format. I am tempted to take the class but I am still on the fence whether I should change my major from Art History to Art.
Sometimes I buy thrift items for myself. A recent happy $1.99 find was a CD Case Logic plastic sleeve case full of 25 country western and others. In the others category, the most intriguing was a compilation New Orleans Gospel Tent 2002.
My daughter's wedding update. The wedding dress has been chosen! She is boot shopping as it is rustic-themed Western type of wedding. I can reveal my dress as soon as I decide. There is one that has come up in an online auction I am bidding on. Luckily, I bought my amazing Ariat boots a few years ago. They will make an appearance at the wedding.
Big fan of Nancy Sinatra - wish she would have recorded more.