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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Project challenges and the plaid hexagon quilt

First month's draw on my list of January-2019-ufo came up No. 7, the plaid/batik half hexie quilt. Project revision after fabric pull,  low volume plaid hexagon. The Mr. gave me a gift card to a fabric retailer so I ordered a hexagon ruler, a Gutermann thread collection, surfboard print flannel fabric as backing for the remnants of my Hawaiian shirt hoarder fabric (the HSHSurfboard quilt), and some stork embroidery scissors. After I sorted out my plaid remnants, the Mr. helped me choose this assortment. 

I found a FB group that posts a challenge similar to the one I have committed to American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge. I  have decided to choose between the two. I have made great progress on this quilt top. My No. 3 is a Bento Box quilt, a nice change from hexagon.  

In light of my move to quality thread, I went through my thrifted thread collection and culled even more. There are some colors I like to have, required in mending. 

I had collected too many sewing baskets (4), so I am filling one of them with giveaway thread. I greatly reduced my thrift shopping purchases over the past year. I did slip by buying a couple of vintage sewing machines. 

My success in scoring 36 basket blocks last month on an auction site prompted me to win on bid another set of fabric and vintage quilting magazines ranging from 1972 to 2005.  
Image source
There were block of the month sets, and a precut feedsack quilt set. I am oh so tempted to start on that kit but have to hold my feet to the fire to get as far as I can on that plaid quilt top and make the decision whether to keep it lap-sized or buy more fabric to enlarge it. 

Thrifting update, my cashmere sweater purchasing continues. 
Total of $10 for a framed orchid print
and a two-piece cashmere sweater set
I have signed up for the Qwilt Qwazy Queens March 2019 event. A fun theme of a project that turned out plain crazy or currently making a crazy project. I have on my promised project list Patchwork Crazy blocks in satin. 
Wall quilt version
My next post will be the completed Plaid Hexagon quilt. At this pace, I will be making only quilt tops focusing more on piecework than quilting. 

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