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Monday, December 31, 2018

Making it an even 100

I couldn't resist rounding off my post total for 2018 to an even 100.  
It means I can show you the progress I have made on the basket block quilt. I've made a few more test blocks, these are the best of the bunch. I have ordered some yardage in Cowgirl Country, denim floral by Sara Khammash, it really does "round up" the basket blocks. It is the border fabric in the left top block. 

I have committed to a UFO quilting challenge that will have me working, hopefully, on a different project each month. This schedule might pose a problem as some months I am not very "quilty." 

Linking up with Jennifer at:
On the sewing machine front, the vintage White I recently acquired needs a lug belt before I can test its capabilities. It has been ordered. I have the CAMs too, found on an auction site. 

I am also working today, doing very important legal business, accepting subpoenas on behalf of the department. I am still in pursuit of a permanent legal analyst position having accepted a limited term position two years ago. It did not go permanent, so I need to secure another job, whether it is with this department or another. 

It is my favorite time of year in the thrift stores, when cashmere *sings the wordsweaters begin to appear. This apparently brand new Charter Club argyle is one of three I have found in the past week.  

I haven't highlighted a Pattern of the Day in awhile, so here is one from my collection. 
Tunics from 1969
Would be called Boho now
Our trail cams are up and running again. It was hard to maintain them during our intense summer heat. We'll see what critters are crawling around the property. 

Stay tuned, looks to be a fun and interesting New Year!

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