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Monday, November 5, 2018

Caught me painting with fabric again

Composition in fabric
I was so glad Alida decided to host the Art with Fabric blog hop again. She describes it as:
Every quilted project is a unique piece of art, full of love, creativity and inspiration.

Have you ever thought about how "traditional" art could be reinterpreted in a quilted piece?
(by "traditional" I mean anything that a non-quilter will label as art, like paintings, drawings, sculptures, architecture from all countries and all time periods).

To explore the endless possibilities of art-inspired quilted pieces I decided to organize another edition of this Blog Hop!

This edition has a special theme...

My favorite color is...
This theme will feature each artist's favorite color, or just the color they are favoring at the moment!

My technique is to choose a 1950s abstract artist to loosely base my piecework. This piece focused on the 1954 Composition oil on canvas by Greta Freist. 
First, I intended it to be a wall hanging but it became unwieldy, so I converted it to a bed-sized quilt. Update to post as of the middle of November, I have the quilt pinned in the sandwich and the initial quilting lines marked. I hope to finish this quilt by year's end. 

I have ordered the Kona black for the binding. That is my color of choice for this piece. I will update the post when it is finished. 

Please visit the others highlighting their work on this day:

Here are collages of images of the last two Art with Fabric blog hops I have participated in. The May hop prompted a submission to the California State Fair which earned an honorable mention. Mine is the first image, second row, far left.

October hops creation was the George quilt given to a friend. My image is top row, second to the right of the text.

The remainder of this post focuses on my thrift ship finds. Since I am getting better at identifying whether to buy a second hand sewing machine, this Signature Ward's brand joined my family. It is a pale mint green. The top lever was frozen in place so I gave it some oil and grease. 
$18 thrift shop find

That same jaunt through thrift meant fabric,

Sally stand-in models the knitting dove sweater (which had just been rolled onto the thrift shop floor) and a Harry Potter t-shirt.

Don't forget to join me next month for my Countdown to Christmas. 

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