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Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Encounter, an abstract in fabric

Participating once again in the Art with Fabric Blog Hop hosted by Alida at For these hops, she organizes fiber artists, mainly quilters, to interpret art with fabric. 
Measures 60" x 50"
When I first committed to this project, I had already picked my inspiration, The Encounter by Afro Basaldella, an abstract oil on canvas from 1954.

The first stage of creation was free flow, ignoring the rules of quilting by sewing the fabric on top of each other in a raw edge applique. The fabric skewed and my sewing left a lot to be desired. 
Hot Mess
I let the project sit for a month and when I returned to it, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I am sure I am not the only one that wonders during the creative process "will this work?" or "what the h**l was I thinking?"

Don't laugh but when I did the first draft, I didn't see the image only the shapes and colors. What do you see in Afro's painting?
The participants, who have done amazing things with fabric, are listed below:

Monday, May 21st, 2018

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018 

Wednesday, May 23th, 2018 

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

If I didn't bristle against rigid rules, regulations and procedures, I would have patiently paper-pieced the thing. But, no, not me, I slapped it together in an ADD sort of way. 
Pre-trimmed, marking quilting lines for matchstick method
The white panel board you see in the image above is the same one I wind the front and backs onto for pin basting. I had wanted to try the matchstick quilting method and this seemed the perfect project since I left so much raw edge fabric to be tacked down. 
Backing, glad I used the same fabric for the pole sleeve.
I also watched this Fons and Porter tutorial to create the sleeve.

Detail of the faces in fabric.

I've entered her in the California State Fair, not in the quilting competition, but in the fiber art category. I think fairgoers will fall in love with her! 

6/11 Update to Post - She has earned an Honorable Mention and will be on exhibit during the fair's run Friday, July 13th through Sunday, July 29th. Hope you Northern Californians can go and see her in person. 

In my first image of this post, I had to make deadline so half of the piece is bound, the other not, the sleeve wasn't tacked down and it hadn't been washed. The fraying and texture can be seen in this image.
Final entry

Now is the time to visit the other participants in the hop and their amazing interpretations~

Linking up with Amanda Jean at for Finish It Up Friday. 

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