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Monday, October 1, 2018

Painted Ladies and Thrift Shop Interior Redesign

Done in counted cross-stitch. My latest thrift shop find now hangs in my front room. Hard to photograph with it being under glass, it is even prettier in person. It has found its forever home. I could see this piece hanging anywhere in a house. 
Paid $5.50, signed in thread by Cindy 1991

I belong to a group on Facebook called Weird thrift store finds that need to be shared and one topic that came up was:

Is anyone besides me fond of rearranging things in a thrift store? For example, if I see two blue objects on a shelf together, I'll add another blue item or two next to them. I once located several heart-shaped items (figurines, dishes, etc.) and put them together in a little display on a shelf as I was wandering around shopping. X>D I wonder what the employees thought when they found it.

Seems there are quite a few thrift shoppers that like to rearrange things: 

Hey...thrift store interior redesign is a legit hobby...we have healthier minds when we attempt order from chaos. 

My daughter, adult, set up a nativity scene with Buddha.

One time several years ago in a local GW and got bored, I rearranged all the bins of stuffed animals according to species.

Hello my name is steph, I'm a thrift store rearranger. it started when I found misplaced pieces that OBVIOUSLY belonged together on the same shelf.

I sat of the floor at Goodwill and grouped the like yarn together.

30 odd years ago when I was 17, I volunteered at a local nonprofit thrift store. It was there that I met a woman who would become a lifelong friend. The first day we worked together we grouped the shoes by socio-economic status. It was then that I knew I had found a best friend. 

There’s a scam thrift store in my town called “Bibles For China.” All of their employees are volunteers who are under the assumption that the proceeds are used to smuggle bibles to the heathens.My parents worked there.I used to go in and create sacrilegious displays to hear my folks claim Satan was attacking the store.

I chimed in and revealed that I rearrange items in thrift shops. Mainly to get a picture to post, but sometimes things just belong together. 

If you are on Instagram, I am posting as tamaschen for month-long prompts posted by Mrs. Brimble. 

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