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Monday, June 25, 2018

Happy birthday to Me

Hello internets - tooday is my birthday!
Inspecting the birthday cake
This is one of many 35mm slides I am scanning to my laptop. Preparing a slide show for my next mom visit.

The quilting is done in a flip flop pattern
I had entertained the thought of doing a cubicle wall hanging just for summer but have two bedsized quilts queued up for quilting. Weekend thrifting gifted me this sweet summer wall hanging made by a First Tuesday group of quilters from Amador and Calaveras County. It has found its forever home.
Too bad it isn't dated, there were signatures
I cropped from the image

While I used to pass up linens on my commando thrift runs, it is on my list now. I look for unfinished quilt tops and blocks, finished quilted pieces and quilts. 

Dolls are another area I routinely check. A certain thrift shop has dropped gems such as boxed Madame Alexanders, a bag of Storybooks and this Stupsi with tag. 

For stuffed animals I am on the lookout for Steiff (found one earlier this year) and Ty beanie babies with tags. Peace bear is one of my favorites and I will buy him tagged or not.

Original art - oil and acrylic paintings on canvas are near the top of my thrift shop list. Like buying clothes secondhand, you can't be swayed by the price, you've got to LOVE it. On the other hand, if the piece is so inexpensive, why not buy it and enjoy it and then upgrade if you find a higher quality work of art? I have done that numerous times, I donate the other piece back to thrift. After my collection room went from framed prints to original art, it now looks like an art gallery!

Clothing is is all about the cashmere, sweaters that is. I will buy cashmere any time of year. January is the best time to find this type of high quality sweater. 

My favorite pie is strawberry/rhubarb. One is going in the oven later today.

Thanking my audience for visiting my blog, giving me the opportunity to share all of my finds and creations. 

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