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Monday, March 27, 2017

Signups and my son's quilt

Signups begin today over at the April Alternative Challenge, a low pressure challenge I began hosting this year. I had participated in another online April challenge but rules had changed. This low pressure challenge is tailored to highlight a blog or Instagram's best posts, 4 at the least.

On to quilting news, I auditioned squares for my son's quilt. He chose the square in the middle. Gratuitous shot of my flowers in bloom.

Thrifting hospice rewarded me with bowlful of Beanie Babies (25 cents each).

Here I was complaining I couldn't locate my Princess Di Tys, the Great Thrift Shop Beyond sent me two!

Look for some fun posts next month, one being thrift shop weird and wacky.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Quilt Qwazy Queens and the quilted kennel pad

Hello hoppers, I am one of the quilters showcased in QQQ 2017, the brainchild of Marian at Admittedly, I
have been on a quilted kennel pad/cover kick. After I finished my surprise-gift-for-supervisor, I made a "kennel cover" for myself. Call it that or a lap quilt, I had the worst time using old thrifted thread quilting this creation, I should have known better. I also engaged in ASR (angry seam ripping) three times when my backing didn't stay where I intended. Course, I didn't bother to baste, spray or starch the backing. Bad grrrl. It now resides on the back of my easy chair in the living room.

The third in my kennel series is a kennel pad to my friend with three rescued Chihuahuas. First, I found this adorable material but it is discontinued and nowhere to be found. 

Then, I found this material also discontinued from an online auction and snagged the last 3 yards.

I added a scrap flannel panel and utilized high loft batting. 

I used my quilter's pencil to mark straight lines spaced at 6" apart.
I didn't want to put a lot of thread on this pad so the doggies could enjoy the puffiness.

Sewing room setup has been updated, not so much equipment as removal of Tami embellishments. 


I also did a major destash of the uglies, two large plastic bags of fabric remnants were sent to the Great Thrift Shop Beyond. For those with large fabric stashes - look away, this is all that is left and a dresser drawer full of larger pieces for backings.

It was a wise move to practice piecing and quilting with thrifted fabric. As you know, we all make mistakes some bigger than others, some we can hide and others we throw thread at.

There is a Rafflecopter giveaway!
Northcott Island Batik fabric

Update to post - did the kennel pad receive the 2 dog seal of approval?

It received the 3 dog seal of approval!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Let's talk adoption of the Quilty kind

Cynthia of quiltingismorefunthanhousework is hosting a Quilty Adoption Event on March 16th through 18th. 
Quilting is more fun than Housework

1.  "Orphans" linked up must be given away for free.  (If you are wanting to destash for money, there are other venues to do that on.)  I think it is fair that if you need to, you can ask that shipping costs be paid - be sure and put that information clearly in your post, both parties enter into the deal at their own risk.  Cynthia holds no responsibility.

2. Have clear pictures and descriptions on what you are putting up for adoption.

3. Define the criteria for how you will decide who will adopt the item.  Is it a random number giveaway, do you only want it to go to charity, or is there some other criteria that needs to be met?

4.  Be sure and identify where you are located and where you are willing to ship to.

5. Define how long you are keeping the adoption open and when you expect to award the adoption. (You do not need to close your adoption on Saturday - you just need to link up by then.)

My quilty orphans available for adoption are:
Blue/yellow set no.1 and Patriotic precuts set no. 2

Would LOVE to trade with mystery quilter any grey print fabric. I am hoarding the same to make a bear paw quilt with a grey background.  If not, I will mail anywhere in the U.S. no charge. Email me at tvonzalez at

Update to post - the Patriotic Precuts have a new home, no longer available to orphan out.

Do you have any orphan fabrics looking for a new home?

Quilt Qwazy Queens blog hop begins today and here is a list of the participating blogs. My post is scheduled for March 21st. There will be giveaways!

March 16

March 17
March 20
March 21
March 22

Hope you can visit some of the participants of QQQ 2017.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Peace bear is back in my life

Once upon a time, my children and I collected Ty beanie babies. Two of my most cherished were Peace bear and the Princess Diana Memorial Bear. Peace bear disappeared with the lot, it wasn't explained how, luckily my daughter still has the Princess Di Ty.  

Since I am a frequent visitor of numerous thrift shops, I have seen bagsful of beanies for sale for a song. There are certain of the critters that remain collectible, Peace bear being one of them.

Springtime Eyeore and original pastel Peace Bear (50 cents each), joined the Tami collection.

Sally Stand-In is modeling my clothing finds of an Aeros quilted hooded black jacket ($7.50), an H&M light gray with white polka dot and yellow binding ($3.50) and a Forks, Washington Twilight comfy black t-shirt ($1.50). The jacket will get good use on those inclement days walking to and fro the work parking garage. My new job means 5 more blocks to walk each way, rather than one block each way.

Rounding out the thrifting lot were these two embroidery pillow kits ($1.50 each) and A People and their Quilts publication from 1984.

Pattern of the day is a sleeveless tunic from 1970. Not shown in my thrifting lot is an aqua blue knit tunic from Talbots.

Another blog, one of my all time favorites goldcountrygirls is also showcasing tunics in their Patterns from the Past.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Surprise gift for a supervisor - quilted kennel cover

Having finally landed a public sector paralegal job, I wanted to give a surprise gift to my supervisor who had agreed to act as a reference. She had also given me the print material in the right and left corners of the image below. She had asked me if I could use the material and I said, "yes" all the while planning to do something special for her.

My "sup" is also involved in feral cat rescue so I made her a quilted kennel cover. The cat-related fabric was the basis for a quasi strip-quilt top. She uses blankets over cat carriers as temporary homes for captured feral cats. Once the animal is either spayed/neutered, treated for any ailments, they are released back into the area from which they were captured. Some are recruited as barn cats in rural areas.

It seems to meet with my cat's approval.
Quilt sandwich layout. I cut it close on that batting but supplemented it later.

Rather than put a separate binding on this, I kept 3" leftover from backing, brought it around the front and sewed in down with a 1/4" seam allowance. My first mitered corners too!

I had so much fun putting together that kennel cover, I zipped together another one for quilting. I have decided my patchwork style of piecing is a little ADHD. I kind of "wing it" sewing fabric together and then trimming off excess and squaring it up. I treat it more like I would paint on a canvas, rather than adhering to rigid rules and procedures.
Mystery box of fabric from New York provided material to supplement a baby quilt, son's and patriotic quilts. The kitty print panels and calico prints courtesy of East Coast mystery quilter.

Hospice thrift shopping resulted in $8 worth of 5 Christmas CDs for my annual Countdown to Christmas, a Style & Co. grey long sleeved pin striped shirt, t-shirt and material.
On Instagram as tamaschen, I am participating in this month's  #IGQuiltFest with 31 quilt-related prompts. One prompt being "pillow finish" so it was motivation enough to complete this pink and lavender based log cabin square block with thrifted pillow form.

I certainly had a very productive weekend with a fast finish of one kennel cover, prep for another, and a pillow done!

Linking up with Lorna at sewfreshquilts for:

Sew Fresh Quilts
Kelly at myquiltinfatuation for:
And Amanda at crazymomquilts for Finish it Up Friday.