The bottom of this image is the inside of the Army and Navy Needle Book.
I did see some of what I bought at the online auction, like the fabric.
The fabric was encased in a king-sized bedding plastic carrier with a variety of colors, some fat quarters still in original packaging and the selvages dated 2009. I would estimate at least $150 worth of fabric. A pair of vintage Wiss fabric scissors (love them! worth $25-$30), a package of buttons still on their placards, paints and some beads.
Another bag of sewing goodies included wooden needle holders, thread, needles, snaps, loose buttons and a scissor snip.
These are the fabric swatches of mystery quilter creations.
Pattern of the Day is one of the 6 crafting patterns from the mystery box.

Have you ever bought something from an online auction and either regretted or applauded your decision?