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Saturday, January 14, 2017

The lengths I go to for vintage fabric

Since I purchase retail fabric for most of my quilt backings, I've come to know some of the current ones. They are wonderfully color coded and perfectly matched and you consumer quilter pay a premium for that.

Being the thrift shop commando that I am, one thrift shop that I frequent supports the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).  There was a packet of fabric remnants priced at $8 but I wasn't willing to pay that since it looked to be mainly uglies. Half off day rolled around and I decided to snag the collection. The hidden fabric gems were worth the seam-ripping effort. I have come to cherish these vintage fabrics as unique and special. Funny enough, I don't mind ripping the seams of fabric I want to use in another creation. I find it calming but when I have to rip seams of something I have to redo, I engage in Angry Seam Ripping or ASR.

Here is the thrifted fabric, along with a hinged jar purchased for $6.  As an aside, I use hinged jars to store pasta and dried beans. I purchase the new jar seals at a local kitchen specialty store.

I never did highlight the free motion quilting I completed for the Trailer Quilt Log Cabin Style. While I made more than a few mistakes in the log cabin squares - I used too much blue, the squares didn't end up how I intended them to be (rookie error), it was my first real foray into free motion quilting, I now appreciate the effort I put into quilting each square.

I did not stitch in the ditch so it truly was free motion quilting.

Back to my original idea, I enjoy "hunting" for my supplies and that fits right in with reusing, reducing and recycling.

How do you feel about vintage fabric? Do you prefer to work with only modern?

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