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Sunday, August 16, 2015

The trailer quilt - log cabin style

What do you do when an August summer day climbs over 100 degrees?  Why, you cut pieces for a log cabin quilt.  I assembled the first square, now just 79 more to go.  *grins*

When I first did that block I thought it looked too busy but it was actually to my advantage using different material for each section so I could use it as my guide.  As I prepare each block, I keep each strip sized the same with the like material.  I think the finished product will be easier on the eyes.  

Using the chain piece method, these squares assemble relatively quickly.  My project took a turn to more color when I scored a $1 bag full of floral print quilt remnants.

The squares are comprised of thrifted material from hunting/fishing and Hawaiian print shirts and Fort Bragg, California florals.  They will be complete after I add the 9-1/2 inch borders (shown at the top of the image).  

Here are a few of the completed squares, a total of 76.  I am thinking of doing a diagonal stitch across each square when I've put together the quilt sandwich. 

Links to my Hawaiian shirt quilt series

There is, of course, thrift shopping during this hot spell.  I couldn't pass up the 1979 Gorham ceramic gnome swinging from a branch, with a working music box and no cracks or chips for $3.50. 

I knew I would eventually find a biscuit cutter (30 cents).  We have been having breakfasts at work to celebrate promotions with my contribution of homemade buttermilk biscuits with country gravy. 

The Lauren shirt is a classic. The retro card pack ($2.50) produced the following images:

As soon as this gawd awful hot weather is over and I retrieve my camera from our summer trailer, I can resume my fashion postings. I also start my online fashion analysis course next week.  Should be interesting.   

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