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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Trick or Tweet Tuesday

Two thrift shop ceramics, one I grabbed the image, the other joined my collection.  

This lady in blue was sooo cute but she was busted up and glued back together.

Tami's thrift shop toys
"For my mink coat" piggy bank stamped "Japan" ($8.50)
A girl's jewelry box ($4.50)

Twicking and tweeting this Tuesday with the Sits Girls' Blogtober challenge to "link up your twitter account, follow two people immediately in front of you in the Linky, and then send out a tweet to your new friends using the hashtag #SITSBlogging."

My Twitter link:

While we are on the subject, let's talk Twitter.  While I run my blog through the site, I just don't get the allure.  I'm just not twitterpated (there's an old school word).  The only useful purpose I could see for a business is if you run a mobile meal truck and you twitter your location to customers.  That, or run contests ..

How do you utilize Twitter?
blog challenge
Drop me a TREAT today and leave a comment.  

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