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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 21 topic - Anatomy

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 21 topic of "Anatomy."  This is the part of my anatomy where I received a flu shot.  For the past four years, I have had a flu shot.  While I might feel crummy for the next couple of days, it is much better than suffering from the flu.

For other anatomical images, visit Ziva's Inferno.

That same day, my thrift shopping produced this bell-sleeved animal print Bisou Bisou shirt ($2.50).  It is dramatic and is being saved for Spy Girl's 52 pick-me-up theme of Week 19 MROW! Leopard/cheetah/tiger.

My newest thing to hunt for is shot glasses.  My inspiration came from Clamco's blog post shooters and shot glasses.  This Long John blended scotch whisky glass was 50 cents.  It will either be a keeper or I will combine a group of shot glasses for sale.

The best present to myself was finding a soiled and a missing clasp strand of 30" cultured pearls.  They were bagged at $3.50.  I will have them cleaned and re-strung, then they will be BEAUTIFUL!

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