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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Getting to Know Blogger

Bonnie at A Little Unhinged is hosting:  She is the Blog Guru when it comes to navigating this realm.

15 Day blogger Challenge

Just when I think I am going to kick back for the month, a new challenge pops up and I just can't resist!

Here are the topics:

15 Day Blogger Challenge - Getting to Know the Blogger 

1. Introduction to this Challenge and tell us a little about yourself!
2. Where did you grow up? Small town or Big City?
3. What's some of your favorite memories from childhood?
4. What type of student were you in school?
5. Who was your closest friends as a teenager?
6. Where have you worked?
7. Has your life gone the way you expected it?
8. Tell us a bit about your family!
7. What are your hobbies?
8. What are some of your fears?
9. What are your goals? Parenting, Life, Career?
10. Why did you start blogging and what is your blog about?
11. What are a couple of your favorite blog tools that you use?
12. Your top 5 posts and why you think they were successful.
13. 3 blogs you visit and read enthusiastically.
14. Social Networks/Blog Communities you want others to know you're a part of.
15. Closing and any upcoming posts or giveaways you want to share.

Read more: A Little unhinged 

I have hit the magical number of 150+ on GFC followers!  wooohooo, yay *shakes pom poms*  Greetings to those of you following me on reader or otherwise.  

I do have my "moi" section for those interested in learning a bit more about me.  I have been practicing a new skill.  I think it is going to be a new Olympic event ...

I don't mention much about my professional life, all that business is for LinkedIn and such.  What do you think of my professional profile headshot?  It was the best I could do on short notice.  

The premise of my blog is about thrift shopping but it is a platform for so much more.  I thoroughly enjoy blog hops and challenges.  Other than sharing my thrift shop finds, I try to post content that makes me smile or giggle. 

Please join in Bonnie's Getting To Know Blogger ~


  1. I nominated you for the Liebster award.

    1. Thank you so much! I will combine it with my Rednesday post.

  2. Lol I don't have an ironing board, so I think I'll have to find another sport. ;) Thanks for popping by my blog! Sharing yours as well!

  3. Hi! visiting you from the 15 day blogger challenge! Nice to get to know u!

  4. new gfc follower, congrats on the 150.

    I love and live at thrift shops. most stuff in our house is from a thrift shop.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Thanks for linking up with my challenge. Looking forward to learning all about you.


  6. Hello following from the 15 Day Blog Challenge...


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