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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

50-year retrospective photos from the 1962 Seattle World's Fair

Here are four images from my family photo archive of the Seattle World's Fair which I believe took place from April through October, 1962.  This first photo is my favorite because you can see one of Seattle's many hills in the background, and the clothing of the period (do I see some sixties fashionistas?).


  1. Love the trip back in time. Can you believe there was a time when people didn't go to thing like this in flip flops and crummy shirts and pajama pants?

  2. Hi Tami, thanks for stopping by my blog! LOVE these photos, especially since I grew up in Seattle and went to the Fair. I don't remember much of it since I was about 4, but I certainly spent a lot of time at the Seattle Center in the years to follow!

  3. I went when I was 5, when we came from Yakima. We moved to Seattle and I went to the Seattle Center with my friends as I grew up, too. Thanks for the photos!


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