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Friday, August 18, 2023

Original art find

I am obsessed with nearly all things tiki. I haven't scored a thrift shop painting in quite awhile so I was overdue. Can't complain at the $6.99 price. The matting is jacked up, nothing a bit of glue won't fix. I painted the mat brown because the light green one was stained. It landed in my tiki-themed work cubicle. 

Sometimes I biff on thrift shop purchases. I bought a bag of remnant fabric at thrift for $10 that turned out to be all unusable scraps. Outside the store was a bin of freebies, and there was the button doll. She was worth the $10 spent at that location. 

Back to listing sewing patterns for now. This slightly-risque pattern is from 1982.

I am kicking around the idea of lotting up sewing patterns, especially the older ones. I may even move out of the sewing pattern category. Sales have come to a skreeching halt. I try to analyze trends maybe people are less interested in sewing and more interested in doing and going. 

I found some packets of Barbie clothes I had squirreled away. Anything Barbie bumps any other listing session. 

Turns out the No. 1 collectible dolls are Madame Alexanders, next are Ginny dolls, then OG Shirley Temples. I was watching an episode of the Incurable Collector, and that was their list. I bought this fall attired Madame Alexander and silk flower foliage for a few dollars at thrift. 

My grocery store was already decked out in Halloween decorations. That means Christmas is sure to follow. Next month, I will queue up my Countdown to Christmas posts. The weeks fly by.

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