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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sierra Quilt Guild Show

The Sierra Quilt Guild held their show this past weekend in Plymouth, California. While I am not in a guild, I hope to join one someday. 
There were lots of wonderful submissions.

This one was being raffled off. I would be ecstatic to own this one!

When I see other's creations, I know I am getting closer to competition level quilting. 

I was able to purchase this UFO from a mystery quilter at the show. It is partially completed with 7 blocks and part of the quilt.  At $15, it was well worth the material and I liked the colorway. I could always resell it if I am feeling creatively overwhelmed. 

For $2.50 at thrift, I picked up this calendar from 2002 and some very pretty fabric bits and remnants. 

Thought this was the best explanation for UFOs and WIPs:

When you purchase material, it is a FUFO (future UFO). When you cut the material and start work on it, it is a WIP (work in progress). After a few weeks when you have stopped working on your project, it is a UFO (unfinished object). 

Another quilter posted on the American Patchwork and & Quilting's UFO Challenge, that her precuts were "a sad box full of good intentions." 

I was able to pop into Eco Thrift in Sacramento. I hadn't been there in years, it is quite a drive from my workplace and way too far from home. It is almost TOO much stuff. It is the same reaction I get from the Goodwill bin stores - it makes me anxious. That is not the reaction I hope to have when I thrift. The pricing there varies wildly. They pull all of the collectibles and put them behind a counter and then jack up the price. 

I did buy this undeniably pretty needlepoint (unopened NIP) for $3.98 just as a clerk hung it on the rack. I am gathering up these types of projects, esp. needlepoints, because I want to work on them after I retire. 
Lots of fall activities going on in the area, I love this time of year!

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