This (started here) needed more width and length. Pink and blue feedsack and blue floral print were added to frame it up. I also added piano key borders from the recent spat of precuts I scored at thrift. Auditioning yardage for the backing (shown below).
I am making another attempt at paper piecing. I found a YouTube tutorial that is helpful. I purchased the Atomic Starburst pattern and really want to make this quilt. It is always hard to work outside of your comfort zone. At least there is no curved piecing, another hurdle I hope to cross one day.
The latest project to grab my attention and make me want to put off paper piecing is a rag quilt, link to a delightful post by a fellow blogger moms-flannel-quilt. Went through my stash and I have enough to make one.
Mystery quilter at thrift dropped a gift of quilt blocks ($2) for a total of 22 which appear to include some retro fabric. Off it goes with the other project bags. Such a cute assortment, I will keep them altogether for a quilt.
Linking up with quiltingismorefunthanhousework for:

I know I am in a niche group of people who collect vinyl. On my look-for list I have jazz. I found two best of albums, one Verve's choice of best of Louis Armstrong and the best of Herbie Mann.
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong |