Thank you mystery quilter!
The rest of the lot included a 2017 California Nature calendar, a Stephen King compilation of short stories, tin full of embroidery thread and small hoops, and fabric.
It took me longer than usual to set up the new sewing room because it is bitter cold right now and the downstairs, delightfully cool in the summer, is downright brrrr in the winter. I also had to figure out how to partially assemble and adjust the new sewing table.
Another thing keeping me from my somewhat frantic quilting pace is the Mr. is very ill and has been for a number of months. Rather than sequester myself in my sewing room, I have been keeping him company while we binge watch Netflix.
Showcasing Sally Stand-In who is wearing her permanent "housedress." This garment is best for modeling, not wearing, as it is made from a heavy, scratchy knit. What I love best is the fabric pattern and the gaudy rhinestone buttons. This beauty was a $1 thrift shop find last year. The story behind it and other garments that came into the thrift shop is a woman collected vintage, highly unusual clothing but most of it had not been properly stored and had water damage. I can only image what the other outfits looked like.
Pattern of the Day features, yes, you guessed it, a housedress from 1960.

Back to patriotism for this post's conclusion. I never knew there were flaglaws until I took an art class where the teacher placed the student signup sheet and a folded flag on the floor in the way. After the fact, I realized I should have picked up the flag and placed it reverently on a shelf.
I had posted the YouTube video of the FedEx man rescuing a flag from a crowd intent on burning it, but it keeps getting pulled from that website.