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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Upcoming hops and events

I am part of the Pokémon Go crowd - well, not so involved that I stampede in Central Park to catch a Vaporeon (players of the game know what I am referring to), link to that video. I walk during my lunch hour and this game fits in perfectly with that activity.

I will be featuring a small sewing project on Friday's post, but in the meantime, if you are so inclined, here is the schedule of upcoming Summer Sensation hoppers:

July 21
July 22
July 25
July 26

In between that sewing, quilting crowd is the 2016 Mad Tea Party on Saturday, July 23rd, that I have linked up with after a two-year hiatus. The hostess has the most fantastical garden and fantasy-like creations - you won't want to miss her and all those that have linked up at

Fashion linkups will resume when our weather is not so blasted hot. It is no fun layering on the clothes in this type of heat ~


  1. most of my under 35 friends have gone insane over Pokémon Go. I don't have a smart phone and it's way to hot outside, or I'd be out there too. It looks like so much fun

  2. Tami, I look forward to your Mad Tea Party. Sorry your Alice doll is lost in the World of FedEx. Hope she finds you soon. A vintage Alice doll, I can't wait to see her.
    Thanks for stopping by to visit. Have fun creating your party.

  3. My Grandsons love this crazy game. Have fun.

  4. I'm with Thorne Garnet in that I don't have a smart phone and it's too hot outside anyway, but do have fun, definitely. Looking forward to seeing the doll. xxx


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