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Monday, September 1, 2014

Vogoff Magazine has hit the virtual newstand!

The much anticipated, Zoolander-esque, irreverent take on sort-of fashion and et cetera has been published. I gave Melanie artistic license to adjust/tweek two images (wish I had more).  Squeee, I am so jazzed I made the back cover.

Warning:  There is some language that might offend sensitive souls.  

Melanie aka Miz Baggs has undertaken this massive project of combining photo shoots of women from around the world in the Volume 4, September 2014 issue of VOGOFF-Magazine.

Sharing color from a 1979 pattern from Simplicity.  I think the blonde model in the pattern looks a lot like Cheryl Tiegs.  

Upcoming blog event - the Underrated Treasures Blogfest, hosted by one of the "AtoZers" as I like to think of those that have participated in the annual A to Z Challenge each April. alexjcavanaugh

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