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Friday, September 19, 2014

A Perfectly Wonderful Day

It really was not a perfectly wonderful day in my real world.  But in blogland anything can happen.  Good things can happen.  A perfectly wonderful (not) day can include a moment of escape.

Posting with Patti at notdeadyetstyle for Visible Monday. 

Posing with the Sacramento public art sculpture of "Walking the Dogs" by Gilbert Lujan.  

Outfit details, shirt and shoes (retail)
Ballinger Gold sweater and Liz Claiborne skirt (thrifted)

Poseidon posed with the phantom me.  My ghostie is strategically covering a most controversial part of that statue.  

Perfectly wonderful includes a pregnancy pattern of the day from 1954, Simplicity 4718.

Switching gears, I was going to include a selfie but it just wasn't happening.  This clip is even better!

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