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Monday, January 9, 2017

I destashed the uglies

A sneak peek of the Vintage Fabric Quilt top and backing (nearly finished). I made the mistake in another creation of cutting the kitty cat panel into small borders when it really presents best in one piece. I will put a teal polka dot border on the top of the backing.

As promised, I destashed my uglies aka my ugly fabric. I filled an entire paper grocery bag full of fabric.

My quilt journey started with amassing over 40 xxxxl Hawaiian print shirts and processing them into workable material for piecing. I made a number of quilts from the fabric but have since lost the inspiration to continue along that vein. I did keep a few of the pretties, just in case.

We had a heck of a storm on Sunday here in Northern California. I took off work the next day to avoid flooded streets and roads. Part of errand running included thrift shopping plus a $10 credit on points earned so my day's haul was $11 and change.

There is an Ugly Christmas sweater with amazing detailed beading (to go up for sale in a few months) a cornflower button up shirt, a fun t-shirt and a doll ($1.25 on sale) for steampunkage. There is quilt publication of Favorite Applique Quilts but best of all, Scrapcrafts from A to Z.  I plan on doing another sewing-themed (loosely based) group of posts for the A to Z Challenge in April. I'll look over this book to see if it will work for my purposes. The gray floral fabric turned out to be a circular table cover. The small orange labeled packets contained pieces of costume jewelry. 

We've been staying warm and dry - now I need to concentrate on setting up that new sewing room!

Linking up with Leanne at for:

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