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Friday, July 12, 2024

I Have Landed in Hippy Land

Spending most of my summer in Mendocino county. These ceramic mushrooms adorn the beginnings of my hippy garden. The reason I call it hippy land is there are quite a few counter culture 60s-type people in the area. 

I couldn't resist buying a whole group of plants. I could never have a flower garden back in the valley because we are overrun with deer. 

The ceramic mushrooms have been rearranged in the new planter grouping. Beginning in the back with Mystic Illusion dahlia, Apricot Lemonade Cosmos, zinnias, Cherryberry Nemesia, Elise Mix Lewisia, and the combo pot with Trixi Night Watch of bidens, petunia, verbena. 

I found the aquatic center and will bring my swimsuit next month. There is a water walking session down the "lazy river." It all sounds intriguing to me. 

The Mr. and I checked out the senior center where lunch is served daily. The food was decent. We will visit again to try another dish. 

There is a Figure Drawing Collective at the Mendocino Art Center. After I complete my drawing and composition this spring, I might give the collective a visit. Talented artists seem to congregate in these awesome surroundings. 

I aced my Women in Art class and earned an A. Not only did I read the entire book prior to the class starting, I completed the extra credit. That is the method to employ to earn high grades. At this stage in my life, it also takes longer to absorb the material. I am finally learning history through art classes. 

On a totally different subject and something I found humorous - no one is surprised that contestants in The Price is Right are in altered states on the show. 

Seller update: The audit of the Butterick sewing patterns listed for sale on eBay is complete. I found some to be underpriced in the main most were overpriced. When I first began listing patterns, I just had to guess on selling price. Now when I draft a listing it generates an average sold price. I then price my patterns a dollar or two more. 

Not much selling has been going on since I have placed my store on Time Away. The summer heat is too intense in the Sacramento valley so we have escaped to the North Coast. 

Just as I have suspected, I have spent the beginning two weeks of my retirement, with the exception of a couple of days ocean sport fishing, doing nothing. No reading, no puzzles, no sewing, no craphting, but most importantly not working. Our average daily temperature high is 60 degrees. This morning conditions are cool and foggy along the river. 

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