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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

My mom at a skating rink in Portland, Oregon (1995). I am about halfway through our family photo archive from her estate.

Pattern of the Day from 2009 - the best of the bunch from my latest eBay listing session of 36 sewing patterns. So colorful and spring-like.

The Mr. and I came late to the party using an air fryer to cook food. What a delight! Grilled cheese sandwiches are now air fried. A great invention. 

A month to go to retirement. Actually, less days working days as there is a 9-day vacation planned for the end of this month. 

I am taking another couple of bags of clothing and shoes to the clothing exchange. Winnowing down my clothing even further. My go-to outfits are winter: corduroy pants, lightweight long-sleeved t-shirt, cashmere sweater; summer: T-shirt, skirt (preferably made in an irresistible print fabric), and Birki sandals. 

My Women in Art college class is completed. I really enjoyed this one. It was a revisit of those female artists I already knew, and some new ones. 

Treated myself to thrifted piece of artwork. I paid $24.99, framed, matted, and under glass. An unusual piece - I love it 😍 

I also updated my home office with the following textile art. Maybe my place-to-be in France? 💞

Plans are for lunch at a local restaurant with the fam. Enjoy your day!

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